Take Back Your Life!

Replace fear with love

June 14, 2009 by Giulietta Nardone

I’m really into my Four Agreements Card Deck by Don Miguel Ruiz. The cards are physically gorgeous and the words spiritually beautiful. I’ve got a few missing because I give them away when I teach certain life shops. Gave some away in my Letting Go life shop. When they are gone, I’ll buy more. The one I picked for today reads “Replace Fear With Love.”

This is a life lesson I am working on. When I’m fearful of a situation, which usually means a person, I try to close my eyes before talking with him or her and think loving thoughts of this person. You can do this too.

Imagine the person. Then list three things you love about him or her. (yes, you can come up with three.) Then when you talk to him/her, you’ll be coming from a place of love.

Try it!

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