Take Back Your Life!

Post #29

July 6, 2009 by Giulietta Nardone

I’m almost done with the 30 day power blog challenge! It’s been great to have a goal to work towards, to be wanting to finish something with flying blogging colors. Will have 30 entries of ideas for future essays, blog posts, conversations, dreams,  life shops. It’s also spurred me on to start my own challenge. Am getting my other blog site ready for it!

Perhaps you will join me on this other challenge? Will let you know when it’s ready. As for today, it’s so lovely out, I’m going to take a walk. Walking always gets me centered and gives me even more ideas for writing and life shops. Think it’s the slowness of it all. The up close and personal nature of being one with the planet.

Cars zoom by everything. Life becomes a whirling blur.

Will you walk today?

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