Take Back Your Life!

Talk Good To Yourself Experiment

September 8, 2009 by Giulietta Nardone

Hey fabulous folks!

I’m sure you’re all aware (or will be shortly) of the two main voices in your head, the nasty negative one that shouts stuff at you in the second person like, “You can’t do that” or “They’ll laugh at you if you get up and speak” and the powerful positive one, “You can bike up that big hill,” or “You are soooo funny!”

For many years, I had a terrible time with the negative voice. She showed me little mercy, speaking to me in a toneĀ  I wouldn’t use on my worst enemy. The positive voice couldn’t get a good word in edgewise. And without the positive voice cheering me on I couldn’t get any life traction. I couldn’t go where I wanted to go.

That is until the day back in the 90’s I decided to make my karaoke debut.

The negative she-voice kicked in saying, “You’ll sound terrible. No one will listen to you.”

For some reason, I flat out refused to believe her and said, “You’re lying. I’m going no matter what you say.” All that day and into the evening, I kept challenging what she said. This allowed my positive she-voice to build me up. “You sound just like Bobby Gentry!”

Well, my first karaoke night turned out wonderfully! I had a few women come up to me in the ladies room and say, “I love your voice” as well as a guy who kept asking me to sing more songs. My beau at the time also cheered me on.

From that point onward, I began talking to myself more and more like a cherished friend. It’s made all the difference.

Want to join my “talk good to yourself” experiment? Please leave a comment congratulating yourself for something fabulous you’ve done recently!

Muse thx,


2 responses to “Talk Good To Yourself Experiment”

  1. Peter says:

    That small, but powerful negative voice, can do WAY more damage, and create WAY more havoc in your life than anything anyone else can do.

  2. giulietta says:

    Hi Peter,

    Appreciate the comment! What you say is so true. We say things to ourselves we’d never say to anyone else. Will talk about this on my blog radio show this week: Courageous Conversations.

    Muse thx, G.