Take Back Your Life!

Stand Up For Yourself

April 15, 2014 by Giulietta Nardone

As a young child, I felt powerful.

I used to speak my mind, entertain adults with my provocative personality and roam the neighborhood in search of adventures. School definitely put a lid on my power. Way too many of my teachers wanted to tame me, put me in a box, turn me into some obedient little clone. I tried to fight it and ended up in corners, in hallways, in detention, etc.

They just keep working me until I retreated into myself and went along with the mind and soul numbing program.

Why do we do this to kids and young adults and think it’s a good idea?

Most of the folks who stood up in any way at work ended up on the layoff list. I eventually did too when I refused to take what I thought was a Stepford Wiveish training program. Folks were coming out of that program talking the same lingo.

I thought I’d dropped into the 1978 Donald Sutherland version of The Invasion of The Body Snatchers. Terrifying.

All this voice muffling tends to produce are frightened adults who spend most of their lives avoiding conflicts of any kind, having been trained that it is bad and they are bad if they do it. I’m convinced it makes folks crazy. When I worked for some big corporations, an awful lot of folks finished up work and then hung out in bars afterwards, night after night. I’m convinced it was related to voice muffling.

I dream of and try to encourage a more alive world with folks everywhere free to be who they are and speak their own truths. I am convinced you would find more collaboration, less suffering and more happy lives.

So, what can you do to stand up for yourself? Short of taking my new fab class of the same name?

Here’s one idea: Ask yourself, What is my real fear if I were to speak my own truth? Keep digging down through the layers of obedience until you find it.

Yours in letting ours voices loose in the world,
ps Want to learn more about my new sassy 3-week class in Ashland? Click Here. It’s friday mornings in late May/Early June. It will be a terrific time!

2 responses to “Stand Up For Yourself”

  1. Stirring stuff, Giulietta! Your description of yourself as a provocative, adventurous child was a delight to read. I’m sad they managed to shut you down with their stupid punishments.

    I was the opposite – obedient child, didn’t speak up, shy in company. Now in my 50s I’m on a program of personal power to allow my light to shine forth. I work on it every day. Baby steps towards my biggest dreams.

    • Hi Milli!

      Glad you could stop by and leave a note. Happy to hear you are on a program of personal power. That sounds fabulous. Baby steps keep us from getting overwhelmed and frightened.

      A shame to lose several decades, but grateful I got my disobedience back.

      Thank you, G.

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