Take Back Your Life!

Getting More “Me” Time

July 7, 2014 by Giulietta Nardone

Getting More Me Time.

Most of us are overloaded with responsibilities. So much so that we can feel guilty taking time out for ourselves to do something we really need, something that makes us feel connected to ourselves.

If this sounds like you, please sit yourself down in a quiet space with a cup of tea/java and take a few deep breaths. Then ask your “inner busy bee” where your hyper responsibility comes from and why you feel that someone else’s life will fall apart if you take out time for yourself. I say this, because that’s what folks have told me. “I have to do X or my “fill-in-the-blank” won’t get “fill-in-the-blank.”

You can also try jotting some notes about what you think will happen if you take time out for yourself. Write down all the things – both good and bad that could happen. Go over the bad ones. Are they really true? How do you know?

Ideas to Find Me Time: You can try getting up earlier or staying up later than your responsibilities. Or put yourself in your day planner, me: 10:30 to 11:00 am and treat yourself like a real appointment. Even an hour can do wonders for your creative wanderings. This morning I painted a “Wild Painting” in about 30-minutes, then cleaned up! Wild paintings flow out of my inner imagination. I start moving the paintbrush, adding color and seeing what emerges. It didn’t take long for me to get into a groove and then I was done! I did something for me at the start of the day and didn’t have to keep hoping I could fit it in.

Here is Disobedient Wedding Dress, in watercolor.


If you live in the Greater Framingham, Mass, area, please check out my upcoming writing and painting classes.



Thanks! Giulietta

4 responses to “Getting More “Me” Time”

  1. Oh, Giulietta, what great advice and what a BEAUTIFUL painting. I love it! Lisa 🙂

    • Giulietta Nardone says:

      Hi Lisa!

      I appreciate you stopping by to say hello! Thanks for your kind words about my “wild painting.” It was fun to paint. Had no idea what it would become at first.


  2. G – that painting is amazing! And, this summer I started going to a coffee shop across the street from my house at 6am and getting home at 8am so my husband can go to work. He’s actually leaving 30 minutes later than normal so I can get some me time… it’s made all the difference.

    • Giulietta Nardone says:

      Hi Angie!

      Great to see you here. I will check out your to-dos. Wonderful about your coffee haven. Must be a terrific place to write or ponder. Thank you for your nice words about the painting. They are certainly piling up around the house! G.

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