Take Back Your Life!

Do You Feel Limitless, Like You Can Do Anything?

August 23, 2016 by Giulietta Nardone

“If you tell life what it has to be, you limit it, but if you let life show you what it wants to be it will open doors you never knew existed.”


Like so many people, I used to feel that I had to follow a certain life plan to be living a “good” life. Do x, y and z and your life will be marvelous.

Well, I did x, y and z and it wasn’t marvelous. It felt phony, empty and meaningless.

Fortunately, a town hall on the verge of a demolition gave me the chance to let my life show me where it wanted to go. I grabbed that opportunity to save the building and followed it – a kind of blind faith – and just like the quote above it led me to places I didn’t no existed. It also led me to parts of myself I didn’t know existed. I emerged as the kind of person, I’d always wanted to be but didn’t think I was.

Funny, how I couldn’t even recognize myself covered with the grime of conformity. I thought I was something completely different and then spent my life battling that phony version of myself. What a waste of energy!

I’m really grateful that opportunity in my town presented itself. The more I let my life lead, the more fabulous opportunities presented themselves. (more…)

Is Your Life Too Damn Safe?

July 11, 2016 by Giulietta Nardone

“To live a life of excellence, you will have to take risks. You will have to step into new territory and climb new mountains. If you’re up to something that’s as big as you are, it’s going to be scary. If it feels perfectly safe, you are probably underachieving. To leave your mark in the world, you will have to stand someplace you’ve never been willing to stand before. And you will have to have the courage to aspire to excellence.”

~ Debbie Ford

Despite all the May/June high school and college graduation speeches that encourage those graduating to go for the brass ring, doing so rarely happens in a life time.

The problem with those types of speeches is that everything leading up to them often runs counter to living such a bold and daring life. Those speeches wouldn’t be needed, if we encouraged our young to take chances. The look and feel of young life would be totally different than it is now. Thus, the inspirational speech the adults give to the young as a reminder to themselves to take risks before it is too late. (Note to self.)

Most of our lives are way too scripted and safety oriented. I read a few months ago that colleges are now looking for students who are different! They want something more off beat than the well-rounded students getting all A’s they’ve wanted for several decades. Fascinating but welcomed. Students will be able to follow their own strengths, perhaps.

If you want to always be safe, physically, emotionally, financially, your life will be driven by a lot of fear, a fear of losing instead of gaining. Most folks who make it big in business at one point risked most of the money they had. (more…)

Wake Up From Your Sleepwalking

April 8, 2016 by Giulietta Nardone

My father says that almost the whole world is asleep. Everybody you know. Everybody you see. Everybody you talk to. He says that only a few people are awake and they live in a state of constant total amazement.” ~ Patricia Graynamore, Joe Versus The Volcano

Too many people go through their entire lives sleepwalking, like they are on some kind of autopilot that they can’t wake up from.

I used to be on autopilot to the point that sometimes I’d get in my car and find myself going somewhere I wasn’t intending to go. Once I found myself on the Mass Pike without any change in my purse for the tolls. I had to scrounge around the console and glove box gathering up 4o cents to get off at the next toll exit.

Once I got off, I pulled over and subjected myself to a flurry of rather frank self-talk, “What is wrong with you? How did you end up on a major highway when you were going to the Natick mall?” (more…)

What Are You Resisting That Might Really Be Good For You?

February 8, 2016 by Giulietta Nardone

“All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Okay, so I’ve had this history of jumping around from one new program I create to the next. The thought of doing something twice can put me into a creative tailspin. I’d spend a lot of time creating a program, offer it once and then move on to the next one. My program content was piling up on my hard drive!Yet, two of my friends kept urging me to run my programs monthly. The. Same. Ones. The horror, I thought, of doing something more than once.So I resisted. And resisted. And years went by. I spent a lot of time continuously creating new programs. Because … that is what creative folks do, right? (Read, crazy folks?)Finally, I agreed to try what my friends said and am running my writing and wild painting programs on a regular basis.You know what?

They were right. It works. People sign up more often when they see a program running over and over. They might not be able to take it in January, but they can take it in February or May or November. It helps you and them plan.

Yet, I resisted this notion!

Sometimes, even rebellious folks can get in a rut. You can jump out of one rut and land in a different rut and not even know it because you are blinded by your own narrow field of vision.

Thank god, I listened to them and experimented like Mr. Emerson suggests above. It’s made a huge difference!

Now onto you.

Is there anything you are resisting that might actually be good for you? In business? In life?

If there is, try to dive into that resistance and see what you swim up to the surface with in your teeth.

Do you have it? Yes? Great.

Okay. How can this thing you’ve been resisting help you enhance your own life? How can you embrace it and experiment using it in a different way? A way that probably makes you want to stomp your feet and scream that it is going against your own personality grain?

Take this pièce de ré·sis·tance and work it into your life. Then see what happens!

Muse thanks!

PS, interested in joining us in Holliston for Painting Wild and Imperfect Faces. Click HERE

Believe In The Beauty Of Your Own Dreams

January 11, 2016 by Giulietta Nardone

Believe In The Beauty of Your Own Dreams!

“Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country.”

~ Anais Nin

When we are children, we have lots of dreams. By the time we reach young adulthood, we’ve already begun saying, “It’s too late.”At 23, I looked in the mirror and thought I looked old. I felt like I was washed up and I hadn’t even started. Looking way back, I can say with all certainty I didn’t look old at all. And I hadn’t taken any real chances. And I wasn’t washed up.

How did a young woman at the beginning of adult life develop such feelings of despair?

I soon discovered I wasn’t alone in my feelings of “life has passed me by.” A lot of my friends felt that way as well.

We force folks into a life of despair by separating them from the things in life that make them feel alive. That is done during the “molding” process where we not only get molded, but become spiritually and soulfully moldy. And today’s kids are encouraged to get moldy earlier and earlier.

The wildness extraction process begins at younger and younger ages because folks of any age running around making noise makes folks who’ve been trained not to do that, “very, very nervous.”

They seem to want young children to pick their life path by the time they get out of preschool, to get serious about learning ONLY in seats, to see fun and self-expression as some personality disorder that needs to be squelched.

(Check out in The Jan/February Atlantic Monthly the article: The Preschool Trend That Is Crushing Kids.)

More and more kids are being labelled hyperactive because children are not allowed to run free anymore through the woods. First of all, it’s hard to find any woods that aren’t golf courses or wetlands. But then if you do, you don’t have time because you’ve got hours of homework every night.

Fortunately, my feelings of “too lateness” passed when I returned to my childhood love of all things creative. Writing and painting and singing. That reconnection opened up my life for me!

I can now share that I have done the greatest things in my life since the age of 40. I plan on continuing to do great things as long as I’m alive. Stereotypes about who should act like “something” at a certain age will not stop me!

You can do anything you want as long as you stick with it … and tell the folks who try to stop you to “get out of your way, thank you.”

Now, what is it that you want to do?

Best wishes for achieving your dreams,

ps please consider joining me for wild painting!

Let Out Your Inner Wildness

October 26, 2015 by Giulietta Nardone
Modern dance inventor Isadora had it right. We came into the world wild and before long we were anything but wild. I fought the de-wildification as best I could and managed to survive school and work with bit of wildness still left inside. In the past 15 years, I managed to get a good deal of my wildness back. Frankly, I feel a hell of a lot better. Walking around with an imaginary bit in your mouth is not fun. It hurts and you can’t say what you need to say because you think you’ve got a mouth full of metal. Why we insist on doing this to young people so they’ll stand in line politely at the bank is beyond me. Sometimes, someone really ought to yell, “Can you please get another teller out here?” (I did say that once. It felt really good.)I’m convinced that the more wild we feel inside, the more we can love our own lives. Like any trapped animal, you start to go crazy in captivity. You long to kick up your heels and run free if you want. Hand and hand with trying to suppress the wild is trying to suppress anything mysterious. (more…)

The Power Of Downtime

July 15, 2015 by Giulietta Nardone

The Power of Downtime

My favorite part of a yoga class has always been savasana or corpse pose, the part at the end where I get to fall asleep on the mat with a blanket over me. Golly, I could rest like that for a few hours, but the yoga teachers always wake me up after a measly 5 minutes. I’d love to take a yoga class that was 90% savasana. Or would that be a nap?

Not sure, but naps are awesome as well. I always had a tough time at my 9 to 5 jobs because I like to nap around 3 — I NEED to nap around 3. I would close my eyes in mid afternoon and face the wall. If someone walked in, I’d snap awake. I had another job where I’d lock the door and sleep on the couch. Not sure why businesses don’t have nap rooms for the employees. A tired employee can barely stay awake, let alone perform a job function. It’s 15 minutes well spent by an employee.

I toss walking into my downtime pot as well. It relaxes me to stroll around my neighborhood in non-electronic mode. Not in a race to get anywhere, just ambling along with creative brainstorms flashing across my mind. Maybe that’s why I like to have wine with friends. It’s a slow activity centered around relaxing and conversing.

For me, downtime makes me feel more awake, more alert, more happy. I’d like to see schools implement downtime as well. The kids hop from one activity to another, when I bet a lot of them might like a nap. Why we think naps are just for tiny children makes no sense to me. (more…)

Diving Into Your Power By Letting Go

November 22, 2014 by Giulietta Nardone

“Courage is the power to let go of the familiar.” ~ Raymond Lindquist

Looking back, I can see that I was taught to hang onto other people’s ideas, other people’s preferences, other people’s dreams, and other people’s rules.

And that made me feel powerless. And I went through much of youth and young adult life like that — not knowing how to take back my own power. Or, even worse, not knowing that I had any power. I thought everyone else had the power and that I was destined to do what I was told, to never speak up, to never decide my own fate.

It’s hard to pinpoint the exact moment or series of moments that I realized that the only way to get my power back was to let go of what others thought my life should look like or what I should look like. It was more like a series of decisions that created the moments that all strung themselves together, like an arching stream of holiday lights welcoming me to a new place.

I spent years letting other folks critique my life. You need to get a conventional job. You need to have children. You need to keep the boat steady. And my appearance. You should cut your hair. You should wear muted lipstick. You should wear capped sleeves. More blah, blah, blah.

Enough I decided.

One of the first things I did to let go was to sign up for an assertiveness training weekend back in my late twenties. The two women that led the class blew my mind away. They had this “give yourself permission” attitude without ever actually saying that.

Before I took their class, I couldn’t even return something to a store that I’d bought on a whim. I was TERRIFIED of the reaction of the clerk. A stranger. And I could not talk back – express opinions – my mother had labelled all such things “talking back” and they were met with a punishment of some kind. And I could not express anger. I was a walking cage, pretty much.

And a year after that program I went to Italy by myself. I went to visit an acquaintance but that turned into a nightmare of sorts, so I ended up traveling by myself to a few cities. It scared me and liberated me at the same time. And it was hilarious because I had to let go of knowing where I was going. In Rome, I ended up getting on a train hoping it was going where I wanted to go — some small village to stay with a friend’s sister I’d never met. I was to call them when I got to the train station but I got off at the wrong one and subsequently had to get back on the train. Meanwhile, they went back to the first stop. So I was still at the wrong station. And I had to get back on the train again …

Once I figured out I felt better every time I let go, I let go a little bit more. A finger here, two fingers there, one arm. Now, I can let go and enjoy the freefall because I know that an adventure awaits me at the end of the fall.

Here a few tips for letting go.

1) Say, “Yes” if it’s something that interests you.

2) Don’t talk yourself out of doing something new by falling back on some “obligation.” The obligations are always there. The something new might be a one-time thing.

3) Find a letting go partner that can support you and who you can support.

4) Spend some time figuring out what it is you want to do in life versus what others want you to do.

5) Ask yourself, “What is the worst thing that can happen if I let go in this particular situation?”

Hope these letting go tips help! If you have any more, please feel free to mention in the comments section.

Thanks! G.

p.s. if you want to sign up for Wild Painting in Holliston on Saturday, December 6th, 2 to 4:30 pm, please follow this link!

Do You Take Enough Chances?

October 17, 2014 by Giulietta Nardone

“A lifetime isn’t forever, so take the first chance, don’t wait for the second one! Because sometimes, there aren’t second chances! And if it turns out to be a mistake? So what! This is life! A whole bunch of mistakes! But if you never get a second chance at something you didn’t take a first chance at? That’s true failure.”

~ C. Joy Bell

I love taking chances, especially emotional because I find those are harder than taking physical or or financial ones. Trying something new that pushes me emotionally keeps me feeling alive and kickin’. Has really helped me step out of my protective shell aka prison.

But I know that isn’t the norm. Folks have been conditioned to be frightened of taking chances, of trusting their own guts, of taking leaps into the unknown.

Yet, the irony is that life is one BIG unknown, so why we get afraid of the unknown inside the unknown can get perplexing.

People seem to be terrified everywhere of doing something new, of breaking some tradition, of making someone angry. I am convinced most of the strife in the world happens when folks feel so bottled up by not taking chances that they explode and do horrible things to each other. (more…)

Getting More “Me” Time

July 7, 2014 by Giulietta Nardone

Getting More Me Time.

Most of us are overloaded with responsibilities. So much so that we can feel guilty taking time out for ourselves to do something we really need, something that makes us feel connected to ourselves.

If this sounds like you, please sit yourself down in a quiet space with a cup of tea/java and take a few deep breaths. Then ask your “inner busy bee” where your hyper responsibility comes from and why you feel that someone else’s life will fall apart if you take out time for yourself. I say this, because that’s what folks have told me. “I have to do X or my “fill-in-the-blank” won’t get “fill-in-the-blank.” (more…)

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