Let Out Your Inner Wildness
As a society, we are really uncomfortable when we don’t know why something happens or what is around the corner. But we don’t even know why we are here, so that need to have everything answered doesn’t make sense to me. I spent some time getting comfortable with mystery and uncertainty. Way easier to go with the flow, to see life as a mysterious rafting trip down a river. Trying to make your life unmysterious will beat the life out of it and you. Do we need to be domesticated to some degree to function in society? Yes, but we are way overdomesticated and that is not healthy. A lot of awful things happen in the world because good people have been taught to not stand up against it. Best to be quiet, not rock the boat. For me, the need to feel wild is why I love to hang out in nature. Hiking in the woods, kayaking down a river or biking down a trail — all make me feel good, make me feel alive.
It makes me sad that we try to kill all the wild things — like the wild horses. They are rounded up and sent off to slaughter after being captured even on public land where they are allowed to roam and where they have roamed for hundreds of years.
So, what can you do to regain some of your wildness?
1) Turn off your cell phone for a weekend. That alone will help you feel more free and less shackled to an inanimate object.
2) Go on a hike in the woods and do not bring your GPS! If you need to know where you are, then bring a trail map.
3) Take one day and refuse to schedule anything. And if you have kids, let them be schedule free as well. Go do something offbeat …
Be wild and free,
PS, if you’d like to learn more about my two upcoming wild painting classes in holliston, please click HERE
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