Take Back Your Life!

Will you dare to be first in line?

October 5, 2009 by Giulietta Nardone


I’ve noticed a lot of folks run around crying for change. Way fewer folks actually stand up and do something about it. That’s probably the number 1 reason life/governments/economies tend to stay the same – complete lack of action. I know it’s fear. Just wondering why we continue to reign each other in when that method clearly doesn’t work?

Maybe we should replace some of the holidays we have — the ones that seem to be shopping-oriented — with action days. People have the day off from work to take a chance and be the first person in line to do something. I used to need to know that someone was going to be in line behind me. 9 out of 10 times the person who said they’d support me lost his or her own nerve and I ended up at the front, alone, facing a not so happy authority figure. I got used to it. Now I have no problem being the first one to speak up, to write up, to walk up. Makes me feel powerful and alive.

If you’re serious about changing the world, you need to get comfortable being first in line … What’s something you’d be willing to be first in line for? (Besides gelati and new high tech products.)

6 responses to “Will you dare to be first in line?”

  1. Pink Heels says:

    Many people talk the talk but very few actually walk the walk. However, I sometimes wonder if it is because people believe that they must create change in monumental ways in order for it to count. In reality, if everyone did something small to create change, the collective effort would result in something monumental!

  2. giulietta says:

    Hi Pink Heels,

    You are so right about taking baby steps or tackling something small, perhaps in your own back yard. There’s lots of ways to be first in-line in your own community!

    Thx for stopping by and being the first for this post.


  3. Cathy says:

    Hi J – Since we all shop, some of it neccessity, I have tried to be careful that I am shopping for something I really need, and then to consider all of it’s implications when I do shop – made locally, packaging, polluting etc. We all need to remember that when we shop we are VOTING WITH OUR DOLLARS!We get to vote all the time – make sure those votes are going where y’all want them to! thanks!!

  4. giulietta says:

    Hi Cathy,

    Like “vote with our dollars” idea. You’re right we can shape environmental change with our purchases!

    Thanks for stopping by.


  5. Cynthia says:

    I gave a workshop for the local Girls, Inc that was focused on advocacy/finding your voice. The participants ranged in age from 9 to 17. I gave them each an assignment – to prepare a talk based on a social issue of their choice. The day after the workshop, we met during our regular City Hall meeting where three of the girls were able to testify, using the talk they had prepared the night before.
    The girls amazed me with their immediate grasp of the things I was teaching as well as various social issues; with their willingness, passion and commitment to our community. The three who did testify were completely awesome, and I felt totally blessed to be a witness to all of it!
    It’s my hope that they will always be able to speak out and not have to wait until their 40’s (like me!) to reconnect to their power and their voice!

    • Hi Cynthia,

      I would have loved a workshop like the one you gave. Lucky girls! I’m more like you in that I had to wait a long time to get back in touch with my voice. Thank you for stopping by.
