Take Back Your Life!

The Rebel You Haven’t Met

May 26, 2010 by Giulietta Nardone

Hey fun-loving folks,

If you’ve got 5 minutes, please check out The Rebel You Haven’t Met my guest post at ex-patharem.com. It’s fun and so are the links in blue. Would love some rebellious comments!

Savor your long, luscious weekend!

Giulietta, always musing

5 responses to “The Rebel You Haven’t Met”

  1. Hi Giulietta – The other site wouldn’t accept my comment so here it is:
    I loved this – Having traveled a fair share in my younger years – I have to admit that the greatest fun and adventures I experienced were those that involved getting lost. Now, in some cities this isn’t the safest thing to do, but it always worked out okay. There is something about arriving and just doing and seeing that adds to the experience. I don’t focus on being different than anyone else – I just am… so I just go with the flow. Great hotel in Berlin – that works… sleeping on trains… that works too… getting on the wrong train and ending up in Naples instead of Florence… no worries! Travel in an adventure. This summer my daughter runs the risk as she will travel outside the US for the first time ever… I am so excited!! It is nice to have some things planned on a trip, but for me… it is the journey… it is the opportunities and treasures that we find along the way … even if the treasure is a diamond in the rough!

  2. E,

    Sorry, expat would not take your wonderful comment! You sound like a wild woman …

    I’m glad you mentioned getting lost. My problem with all this GPS stuff is that it makes it hard to get lost. Like you, getting lost made for some great, hilarious travel adventures.

    Getting on the wrong train it Italy – definitely a good time. Love your sense of “that works.”

    I managed to get lost in the fog in a small Italian village …

    Thanks for going the extra Internet mile to leave a comment.


  3. Penelope J. says:

    What fun! As usual, your blog set my memory on fire, this time of crazy trips, choices and mishaps that led to exploring new and unknown places, and many times, to releasing my inner rebel. It brought to mind a trip when, on our way from Paris to Denmark, my passport (and wallet, credit cards) was stolen and we got kicked off the train in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere in who knew what country – and only 10 English pounds. Or an overheard conversation in Naples that led to staying in an aging palazzo with a million dollar view of the Bay. And so on. Thanks for sharing your stimulating, insightful experiences.

  4. Hi Pennie,

    Now that would make a great essay about getting your passport stolen and being kicked off the train. Sometimes the middle of nowhere is a fun place to be. You have so many adventures! Soon your blog will be up and you can link to it when you leave comments. Thx.


  5. Anastasia says:

    Thanks for the guest post Giulietta! Lots of food for thought, applicable to everyone.

    @The Exception — sorry to hear your comment didn’t go through, I haven’t found it trapped in spam or anything. (That sometimes happens on WordPress and Blogspot.) I’m happy to repost your above comment at the site for you.