Take Back Your Life!

Folly of Complaining

June 29, 2009 by Giulietta Nardone

I used to complain about all sorts of things in my 20’s and early 30’s. My boyfriends, my jobs, my thighs, my roommates. Ugh. It never ended and I never got anywhere. The real problem with complaining is that without a solution, it keeps the complainer in a state of powerlessness & intertia. Yes, there’s a certain kind of camaraderie when you have a complaint-fest, but it’s not particularly healthy to cross complain.

Try taking your complaint and turn it 1) into a positive and 2) into an action to step to alleviate it. For example,

My roommate never buys toilet paper.

I get to buy the kind of toilet paper I like: 2-ply and soft.

I’m going to ask my roommate to buy some toilet paper.

Try this for all your complaints and see if you feel more empowered to take action.

The Blame Game

June 10, 2009 by Giulietta Nardone

Hey powerful people,

For many years, I blamed other people for the crazy & dramatic situations I found myself in. I felt frustrated and powerless, like someone else had control over my life, like I had no ability to direct it. I’d love to say one seminar, one conversation with a friend, one self-help book changed my perspective, but that wouldn’t be true — it’s all helped me reframe my reality. I now see it as an ongoing awakening within myself to have the courage to be myself and not someone else’s version of who I should be.

If you find yourself in blame mode, perhaps stop and ask yourself the following questions:

1) Am I really powerless to change this situation?

2) Does this other person or situation really have control over me?

3) What could I do to change this outcome so I eliminate blaming others?

Oh Those Calcium Lies

June 9, 2009 by Giulietta Nardone

Hey rebellious ones,

Halfway through “The Calcium Lie.” Riveting book on the REAL role calcium plays in bone formation. When my doctor told me to take 1500 mg of calcium a day, it just didn’t make sense to me. I’m fairly slender, but it’s the same dose no matter what size woman you are. I figured either I’m overdosing or someone else is underdosing if weight doesn’t matter. The short of it? I’m glad I balked and went AMA (against medical advice.) Calcium is only 1 of 12 minerals we need for bone formation. If you take the recommended dose you’re more than likely doing your bones damage. More to follow.

Muse thx,


Food Power!

May 29, 2009 by Giulietta Nardone

Hey fellow people who want to change the world in some way,

Just watched How to save the planet: One Man, One Cow, One Planet. The way to end world hunger or at least minimize it, would be to teach people how to grow their own food and how to keep the soil rich with nutrients and life. Genetically modified seeds that grow into plants sprayed with pesticides destroy the soil, render it dead. That deadness and those pesticides work their way into our bodies. Dead soil has no nutrients. We eat nothing.

If we feed the hungry food saturated with pesticides from dead soil, the people that eat that food may survive only to get cancer, which drives up health care. Providing people of all income levels with access to healthy, non GM food via local farms or community farming/gardening makes long term sense spiritually, financially, socially, morally, culturally.

Calcium Lies

May 23, 2009 by Giulietta Nardone

Hey rebellious ones,

Just discovered a book called, The Calcium Lie. Will summarize for you, but my long held hunch is that this stuff is dangerous in the doses we’ve been told to take.

Muse thx,


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