Take Back Your Life!

Aim As High As You Can!

November 6, 2018 by Giulietta Nardone

The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.” ~ Michelangelo

Most of us are not encouraged to aim high in the life of our choosing.

For that matter, we aren’t encouraged to really aim anywhere at all despite that we keep hearing to live our best lives.

By the time you hear this edict, you’ve been trained to follow the beaten path of wherever society is going. Get onto that bandwagon, sagging as it is, and follow it wherever it heads. It can be confusing to get the mixed messages.

The few who pick their own place to aim and aim high can achieve all kinds of self-fulfilling fab things.

Every time I have aimed high, I achieved something I didn’t think possible.

Be it community projects or art or writing.

Over the summer I submitted my story to Psychology Today for possible publication in their Two-Minute Memoir column.

Two weeks later, they told me my story was being considered. A few weeks after that they told me I’d been selected.

I was and am super excited!

It is now on the newsstands.

My second stint in a magazine. In less than 6 months.

Because I took a chance and sent it in! That simple.

What if I had aimed low and not bothered? Out of fear of not being good enough or some other craziness coming from the inner critic that lives in my head?

In 2008, I did a Getting Over Fear program where I talked about that fearful person that lives in our heads. Ten years ago, not a lot of people knew what to do with that voice. For the longest time, I thought I was the only one with such an intruder.

In my early thirties, a friend mentioned touching something on the wall next to her bed in the middle of the night, every night, that the voice in her head said she had to do.

A flash went off and I said, “Do you have that crazy voice in your head, too?”


That moment changed everything because I knew I was not alone and I could do something about it.

I worked hard to subdue that person so I could get on with my best life. The best way to do that was for me to say, over and over.


Then decide what is true to YOU and form your life around that.

If the voice starts creeping back in, invite it in for tea and crumpets and ask it to respect you as a person and stop spreading lies.

Say it over and over and it will!

Thankfully, that Debbie Downer in your head will weaken as you strengthen.
Aim as high as you can thanks,

Giulietta “Julie” Nardone


ps my upcoming writing programs


Wild Writing, Women and Wine

Thursday, November 15, 6 to 8 pm
Wine Empire, Ashland
$39. Includes fab wine tasting.

Secretly … most everyone … has a wild side. It just needs to be coaxed out into the open.

If the call of the wild beckons you, please join a small group of warm, witty and wise women for a fun, freeing and fabulous Thursday night.We had a fun evening last time.

Your twilight adventure begins with a medley of wild writing prompts, insightful conversations about over domestication and untaming of the shrew takeaways and is interspersed with several wine tasting and cheese/cracker savorings.

You will leave feeling more in touch with your natural side, your deepest instincts and your sense of aliveness.

More info click WILD:


Tales From The Memory Palace (On-Line at Writers.com)
Begins November 28th. Any time. Anywhere.
$4 Weeks, $175. Weekly critiques included.

In this “short” four-week memoir writing adventure, you’ll learn to scope out, swoop down and snatch up important memories from your life then speed write them into miniature masterpieces. Write precise but powerful flashes of insight into the human experience! Six words, 25 words, 100 words and 500 words.

More info click Palace:

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