Take Back Your Life!

Food Power!

May 29, 2009 by Giulietta Nardone

Hey fellow people who want to change the world in some way,

Just watched How to save the planet: One Man, One Cow, One Planet. The way to end world hunger or at least minimize it, would be to teach people how to grow their own food and how to keep the soil rich with nutrients and life. Genetically modified seeds that grow into plants sprayed with pesticides destroy the soil, render it dead. That deadness and those pesticides work their way into our bodies. Dead soil has no nutrients. We eat nothing.

If we feed the hungry food saturated with pesticides from dead soil, the people that eat that food may survive only to get cancer, which drives up health care. Providing people of all income levels with access to healthy, non GM food via local farms or community farming/gardening makes long term sense spiritually, financially, socially, morally, culturally.

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