Take Back Your Life!

Know Your Rights

August 7, 2009 by Giulietta Nardone

Up until 12 years ago, I wasn’t sure what the Bill of Rights was. Oh, I’d heard of it & knew it was part of the constitution, but couldn’t tell you anything about it. A colleague at my then corporate gig, mentioned how few Americans could tell you anything about it, so I went to the library and educated myself.

This quote by Frank I. Cobb summarizes it nicely,

“The Bill of Rights is a born rebel. It reeks with sedition. In every clause it shakes its fist in the face of constituted authority… it is the one guarantee of human freedom to the American people.”

If you’d like to know your constitutional rights, stop by this site and read the Bill of Rights. Speak up if you believe your rights have been trampled on. We will only have a democracy as long as people like you participate.

Muse thx,

Giulietta the Muse

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