Take Back Your Life!

Why is it always about the money?

October 23, 2009 by Giulietta Nardone

I get a lot of e-newsletters. 97% of them want to help me make more money. While I understand we all need money, I’m starting to wonder if this obsessive focus on making money actually drives money away from us? It feels increasingly desperate to me and I’m wondering if it feels desperate to money too?

Read an article a few months ago that said we are actually less happy than we were 40 years ago, even though most of us have more things and gadgets.

One of the books that got my life moving in a new direction sometime back, Do what you love and the money will follow, downplayed the money part. It will come if you really do what you love. Are most of you doing what you really love? Do you even know what that is?

It took me awhile to figure it out, but I love challenging the status quo. And there are lots of ways to do that — in my community, in my writing, in my life shops, in my conversations. When I’m in that zone I feel unstoppable, on top of the world. And the money has started to follow. Yet when I started doing what I love, making money was not my objective.

Let me ask you this. To capture your attention does it really have to be about the money? I’d love to hear why or why not. Also, if we didn’t need money to live and learn, what would you like to learn? What classes would you sign up for? What adventures would you take?

Muse thx,


2 responses to “Why is it always about the money?”

  1. Hi Guilietta,

    Nice post. I agree. I love transformation. It has always been a part of the work I do in some form or another. I like to see the transformation in people after they go from cranky and stressed to relaxed and peaceful after a massage. Or the transformation when they have an AHA moment and finally “get” something or understand it.

  2. Hi Pat,

    I happy you stopped by! The aha moment really makes you feel good, doesn’t it? I’m thankful for the folks along the way who said or did something that caused me to pause and rethink whatever I was doing.

    Thx, Giulietta