Take Back Your Life!

The Emotional SuperPower of Empathy

September 9, 2009 by Giulietta Nardone

Hey out of the ordinary folks and wishcasters,

If you’ve got any kind of blogger’s block, Jamie Ridler’s Wednesday Wishcasting will take care of it. Sometimes it’s easier for writers to write when they’ve got a prompt. I’d like to learn how to see every situation from both sides, to have the superpower of empathy. The Free Dictionary defines empathy as, “the ability to sense and understand someone else’s feelings as if they were one’s own.”

Even as I write this it occurs to me that further developing this emotional superpower will aid me in my oil painting. At the moment, I’m painting a close in shot of several colorful carousel horses (like some other wishcasters, I grew up riding horses and have found them appearing in many of my paintings. Perhaps a longing to own a horse again?). What if I did a painting where I try to paint from the perspective of whatever I’m painting? What is the carousel horse thinking? Or is it me or some part of me? Am I the subject of everything I paint? Are you?

That ability to get inside of anything we do creatively, write, paint, sculpt, craft, collage might take us to a new level of artistic freedom. I’m going to give it a try … How about you?

Muse thx,


21 responses to “The Emotional SuperPower of Empathy”

  1. Jamie says:

    As Giulietta wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

    Here’s to developing your SuperPowers 🙂

  2. Carmen says:

    As Giulietta wishes for herself so I, Carmen wish for her also.
    love your name!

  3. Karen says:

    As Giulietta wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
    Here is to the superpower of empathy, we could all use a little of that one.

  4. As Giulietta wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
    If we all used a little more empathy the world would be a much better place…it is a powerful trait and could be used to create a safer, happier, environment for us all.

  5. Miss Becky says:

    YES! As Giuletta wishes for herself, so I also wish for her…

  6. Jennifer says:

    As Giulietta wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

    I happen to be too empathic, to the point of being overly sensitive at times since I feel everything. It’s over whelming at times. I wish for you to develope your powers of empathy in love and light~

  7. karmacoy says:

    Hell yes, I’ll give it a try!
    As Guilietta wishes to use her superpowers of empathy, so do I wish for her as well!

  8. Suzie Ridler says:

    As Giulietta wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  9. As Giulietta wishes for herself I so wish for her as well.

    I too am one of the highly sensitive empaths-it serves me well in my counseling work and in my art work, whichever forum I plunder on a given day…although I see a story coming some day written from that carousel horse’s POV…

  10. Lisa Kewish says:

    As Guilietta wishes for herself, I, Lisa wish for her also…
    Here’s to the view from the inside.

  11. Ash says:

    As Guilietta wishes for herself, so too do I wish for her!

  12. Shamsi says:

    As Guilietta the Wild Woman of Immense Wisdom wishes for herself 🙂 SO too do I wish for Guilietta! Ya know – this is not the first time for me this week horses have come up 🙂 been wondering myself if I should go back and explore that part of my life 🙂 Love your thoughts on perspective… great exercise idea – thanks!

  13. Kathy says:

    I love this idea! To put myself inside everything I do….that’s going to take
    some serious thought…what a challenge!

    As Guilietta wishes, so I lovingly wish for her as well.

  14. Liz says:

    I’m surprised that you’d like to learn more empathy when you seem a highly empathetic person to me. But…this exercise isn’t about my perspective but yours and as you, Giullietta wish for yourself, then I SO wish it for you too!

  15. ellecubed says:

    As Giulietta wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  16. Maxine says:

    As Giulietta wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

    Thank you soooo much for your kind words of support! My heart is simply racing with excitement!

    Much Love~

  17. Julie says:

    Wonderful insight!

  18. As Giulietta wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

    I enjoyed reading your comments on the connection between empathy and your art. I’d never thought about it from that point of view before. Thank you.

  19. Glad says:

    May all of Giuietta’s dreams and wishes come true.



  20. LeslieB says:

    As Giulietta wishes for herself, so I wish for her also: the ability to see all sides!

  21. Silky Hart says:

    As Giulietta wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

    Here’s to artistic freedom!