Take Back Your Life!

Stop Saving Your Life For Later!

March 4, 2010 by Giulietta Nardone

Dear Lovers of Life,

I recently gave a blouse to charity that I bought six years ago, yet never wore. It was beautiful, but I kept “saving” it for a “special” occasion. Before a party or business event, I’d take it out of my closet, hold it up to myself in the mirror, feel pretty and then put it back! Never a good enough occasion.

By the time I found a “good” enough occasion, my pretty blouse no longer fit my style. I’d changed and it didn’t feel right when I put it on. It stayed in the closet for an additional few years.

Many folks do the same thing with their lives that I did with my shirt — they save it for retirement or after the kids get out of school or when they make more money or some other excuse. They want to do exciting things, yet don’t because it’s not the right time. Waiting for the right time, doesn’t make sense when most of us have no idea how long we’ll be a visitor on our beautiful planet.

Does that sound like you? Can you pinpoint why you keep putting off your life? Most of the reasons that stand in the way of you doing what you want in life are just excuses. Ask what the excuses shield you from? What will happen if you start doing some of these things?

What have you been putting off in your life and why? Or, what did you finally stop putting off and how did that change your life?

Muse thx,


6 responses to “Stop Saving Your Life For Later!”

  1. Tracy Todd says:

    This post really resonated with my heart and soul. I learned these lessons the hard way when I was paralyzed from the neck down in a car accident. All those things that I was saving for a “special occasion” I never got to enjoy. Now, EVERYDAY is a special occasion because I am special enough.

    Enjoy everything you have NOW just because… you CAN!

    • Hi Tracy,

      I’m so glad you shared what happened to you and that you find every day special. Went to your site last week and you are doing amazing things. Love your blog!

      Yes, we can!

      Thanks for stopping by,

  2. It was such a surprise to me when “someday” became now. Someday is safe… now can be scary but quite an amazing ride.

    • Hi Angie,

      Great point that someday is safe. You’re so right. No one has to take action. And action causes life shifts. I just made up a new word based on what you wrote, “somenow.”

      Thx! G.

  3. Giulietta –

    Great post. I love the idea of being a visitor here on planet earth. How would we live life if every day was a vacation and we wanted to learn about this fascinating place we dropped into. Living that way changes everything! Thanks for the inspiration – keep it coming!


  4. I love it when you stop by Phil! What a cool idea to see our visit here as a vacation with an imperative to learn. Instead so many see it as drudgery. How can we change that?

    Thx. G.