Take Back Your Life!

Have you convinced yourself of your worthiness?

January 20, 2010 by Giulietta Nardone

Hey rebels!

I work with a lot of people who want to start a business, make a life change or take up a new creative pursuit. The greatest obstacle they face?


Yup! The hardest person to convince of your worthiness is you. Until you believe a) you can do it and b) you have a right to do it, not much will happen.

I’ve said this before on this blog and I’ll say it again, our society does a terrible job growing people who believe in themselves. We all come into the world feeling “pumped.” By Junior High, you can already see a lot of shut down pumps.

Yeah, people run around getting all excited about collecting careers and titles and credentials. Why? Because we’ve been told those external “things” will make us worthy to others. So, you spend your life jumping through hoops to scavenge all the things on your societal worthiness list. In middle age, you proudly hold up your list for the world to see.

Yet, you may not feel good. In fact, you may feel worse than when you started the list pre-junior high.


Because it’s a wild human-goose chase. If we “grow” people who believe in themselves, they will follow their own hearts and create their own lists.

I’ve got my custom-designed list. Have you got yours?

Muse thx,


7 responses to “Have you convinced yourself of your worthiness?”

  1. Michael says:

    Giulietta, that’s an awesome post. I often find myself thinking and saying things like this too, but I’m grumpier about it. 🙂 Our society is geared to direct us into a path that focuses on a false set of external signs of success and not on true measures like character, integrity, passion and truth. You’ve found a beautiful way to say this here… thanks!

  2. giulietta says:

    Hi Michael!

    If we could take your true measures and move toward them, we’d have a more compassionate world. The amount of people being “successful” would increase a million fold. Great way to look at success. Thx G.

  3. Pink Heels says:

    It is unfortunate that we do not foster and environment that promotes self-confidence and self-esteem. However, I feel very strongly that one person can make a difference. If we all consciously decide to create a positive environment for ourselves and others, change will happen…small steps lead to big accomplishments.

  4. Phil Bolton says:

    Hi Giulietta –

    You are so right! It is often ourselves that block our greatness. Everyone has huge potential to change the world around them, and only fear and regret hold us back from doing so. You speak with clarity and wisdom about how to move forward. Thanks for the inspiration.

    Phil – http://www.lessordinaryliving.com

    • Phil,

      Yes, we’ve all got potential. Really good point. I see it in folks wherever I go, even when they can’t see it themselves. People light up when someone notices they exist.

      Thx! G.

  5. You continue to speak my language. It took me years finally start seeking the type of success you speak of. As a mom of two young sons, my goal is to nurture their natural interests and abilities… I will constantly have to check up with myself to make sure I’m not pushing them to follow the “formula.” As I continue to embrace my own worthiness, I hope that I can naturally lead by example.

  6. giulietta says:

    Hi Angie,

    Glad you stopped by again. Love what you say about not pushing the formula. That’s a good way to look at it — reducing our lives to a formula we plug ourselves into. With your fabulous writing and blog, you’re already leading by example. Lucky sons!

