Take Back Your Life!

Do You Give Up Too Easily?

November 29, 2015 by Giulietta Nardone

“When the world says, ‘Give up,’

Hope whispers, ‘Try it one more time.’ “

~ Unknown

It’s taken me a lot of living to figure out that the people who make it in life do so because they do not give up.We like to think that these people are smarter than us, more crafty than us, more creative than us.Nope, they just do not give up on their ideas and dreams.Most people start out gung ho on pursuing something they want to do, but when the rocks on the path start to appear (and they always do), most of us will lose our stamina to keep going over and around them.

This summer my husband and I hiked up Mt. Osceola for my birthday. I wanted to climb a 4,000 footer. The path started out rocky – like a vertical jetty. I thought, “it will clear up soon.” Jimmy and I walked up and up and up, expecting the rocks to clear or lessen.

They never did.

In fact, the rocks got bigger and bigger. I wanted to make it to the top of this 4,000 footer in the White Mountains, but these rocks were psyching me out. What if I twist my ankle? What if I fall and break a bone? What am I doing this for?

At one point, I said, “Let’s turn around.” Jimmy said, “You sure? We came up here to because you wanted to conquer this mountain.”

Yes, it is on my “things I want to do list.” So, I slapped myself and said, “get going girl.” And I kept going. And going. And going. At one point, the rocks covered the entire trail and we had to hoist ourselves up and over some really big ones. Wasn’t sure I could do it.

Yet, I did. And that’s how I approached it. “Keep going up to the next bend.” And we did. Then a little more. And we did.

People coming down would say, “You’re almost there.” (They lied. But I think they did it to keep us enthused.)

Finally, we made it. Gorgeous views of Mount Washington and most of the White Mountains over a picnic lunch.


Was I glad I kept going? Absolutely. It was worth it on many levels, the view, the clear air, and, most importantly, the sense of finishing the climb.I can see, though, that it’s easy to talk yourself out of finishing something you start with good intentions. Most of the dreams we have are not easy, which is why they are dreams and not every day items on our “to do” list.Not giving up has enabled me to get my essays published. To sing songs I never thought I could sing. To bike across Italy when it was totally out of my exercise league. To save a Town Hall in the 11th hour.You can do just about anything you want as long as you stick with it …

Best wishes for achieving your dreams,

Giulietta “Julie” Nardone

p.s. want to paint wild with us in holliston? Try something different with your paintings? Or even your life? Please join us for this fun pre-holiday rejuvenation event on sunday, december 6, 2 to 4 pm at cheryl cohen’s mosaic art center. click HERE for more info.

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